Tag Archives: Gatlinburg

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Congratulations to Dr. Abigail Hogan, recipient of the Theodore Tjossem Postdoctoral Travel Award!!

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It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Abigail Hogan is the recipient of the Theodore Tjossem Postdoctoral Travel Award in the amount of $400.00 to attend the 50th Annual Gatlinburg Conference. This conference continues its tradition as one of the premier conferences in the United States for behavioral scientists conducting research in intellectual and related developmental disabilities. Dr. Hogan will be giving a talk on exciting new findings and attending both evening poster sessions on Wednesday, March 8th and Thursday, March 9th . For more information about the Gatlinburg Conference, please refer to the UC Davis website   

Sara McGrath

Sara Matherly receives travel award for Gatlinburg Conference

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The National Fragile X Foundation awarded Sara Matherly a $400 travel award for the 49th Annual Gatlinburg Conference in San Diego, CA.  Her work was entitled: Effect of anxiety disorders on functional daily living skills in young adult males with fragile X syndrome.  Congratulations Sara!

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