Tag Archives: bridgette tonnsen

NDD Lab at the National Fragile X Conference

Superheroines of Fragile X Research!

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Being trailblazers of Fragile X research is no small feat!  Dr. Bridgette Tonnesen, Dr. Debra Reisinger, and Dr. Jane Roberts attended the National Fragile X Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio last week where they presented their research alongside the world’s leading Fragile X experts.  This family-friendly forum which occurs every two years helps families affected by FXS get the support which they need.  For more information,   stay up to date by following the National Fragile X Foundation:  https://fragilex.org/

bridgette tones will join purdue

Bridgette Tonnsen will join Purdue University

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Bridgette Tonnsen will join Purdue University’s Department of Psychological Sciences as an assistant professor of clinical psychology in August of 2015. As part of the Purdue Autism Network, Bridgette will continue her research in the early development of children and families affected by neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. autism, fragile X syndrome) using integrated clinical, experimental, and psychophysiological methods. Congratulations, Bridgette!

Bridgette Tonnsen Receives Travel Award

Bridgette Tonnsen Receives Travel Award

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Doctoral candidate Bridgette Tonnsen received the APA Division 33 Graduate Student Travel Award for the 48th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Congratulations, Bridgette!

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